
a service from bioscientifica


Exhibition Manual for SFE BES 2025

Exhibitor Checklist

All exhibiting companies/participants are responsible for their staff, their contractors, sub-contractors and visitors on or around their stand from the first day of build-up through to the last day of breakdown.

Exhibitors/participants must ensure that all individuals, companies, exhibits, special features and materials they bring to the event comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to ensure that due thought and consideration is given to their own and others’ health, safety and welfare throughout the event, and that their actions – or inactions – do not give rise to accidents, injuries or an unsafe working environment so far as is reasonably practicable.

Exhibitors/Participants’ Checklist for Health & Safety

  • Sign and upload a copy of the Health & Safety declaration (downloadable from the task on the portal) and to upload in your portal tasks.
  • Produce a Risk Assessment for your activities on-site and a suitable Method Statement and submit these to us through the portal tasks.
  • Appoint a responsible person for the build-up, open and breakdown periods.
  • Photocopy the Emergency Procedures contained within this manual and ensure that they are distributed to all your staff and contractors.
  • Provide suitable training and information to your staff and contractors regarding the on-site risks in order for them to understand and fulfil their responsibilities.
  • Review your findings after the event to discover areas that need attention, where accidents occurred and take appropriate action for the future.